The Vector Arms HR4332 UZI

Updated (3/01/01)        PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION    

Follow our transfers as we get ready to build the Web's greatest Uzi page:

12/27/00  We order 4 Vectors through ROCK CREEK GUN.  Form 3's on their way to Utah.

1/01/01    We hope Vector sent the FORM 3's to BATF sometime this week!

1/08/01    One of us orders a suppressor from Nick Hope at Rock Creek (rest of us are looking for another piggy bank to break open).  Nick is going to disassemble, clean, and inspect the Vectors when they arrive as well as thread the barrels to take a screw on suppressor.  Now we'll have the option of a standard screw on can or the barrel nut replacement can. Its about this time we decide to do a Uzi suppressor review to kick our Vector Uzi page off.

1/13/01    Came up with the name "Red White & Bluzi"  for the new web page.  Thought it went well with the fact the Vector is built in the good ole USA.

1/16/01    We notice Clyde Wilson of Coastal Gun advertising a really affordable line of aluminum bodied Uzi cans on Tom Bower's board.  Are they any good we wonder?  We decide to add one to our upcoming review of Uzi cans.  Gary Resienwitz of Hazel Green, AL will do the FORM 3 & 4. See the SUPPRESSOR page for more info on the Coastal transfer.

1/23/01   Vector is notified that the Form 3's are approved by the BATF.  Because of a communication glitch there is $15.00 still due on our account (transfer of four guns) that we are unaware of.  Instead of calling our transfer agent, Nick Hope, or letting one of us know, Vector just sits on the guns for 10 days.  When I call to check on the status of the order Vector says they didn't have Nick's phone number..... OH PLEASE...... He's an extremely well known Class 2 Mfg. with a website and he is on Bower's Recommended Dealers List (with phone number).  THIS REALLY UPSET ME!  They should have attempted to call Nick to let him know they were holding our guns over $15 bucks.  They had his address.  Why not call information and add $1 to our bill?

2/23/01  The guns finally arrive a Rock Creek after a lot of delays at Vector.  THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL.  Although the photo above is not one of our guns they arrived in the exact same packaging.  You get a Uzi, a 25 round mag in a sealed bag, a manual, a "date purchased" form, an unmarked white cardboard box and some lovely green bubble packing.  

2/24/01  After the Birmingham Gun Show we went over to meet Nick Hope and check out the Vectors.  Nick is a really great guy.  He let us shoot our guns at his shop range.  I ran 50 rounds of Fiocchi 115 gr FMJ through mine without as much as a hickup.  Of the two guns we shot on this trip both ran flawlessly.  Man they're sweet little SMG's.  Half way to Birmingham we realized that we left the digital camera at home - sorry. We'll try to have an MPEG up sometime this month.  While we were there we saw the suppressor Nick had built for the Vector.  It was unbelievably small and very well constructed.  It is a sealed design and the finish was perfect.  Since the guns had just arrived the previous day, he hadn't had time to thread the Uzi's so it will be next trip before we can hear it.  If it sounds half as good as it looks it will be on hell of a package!

On an unrelated note:  While at Rock Creek I saw a Ruger 77/44 Nick had recently suppressed with an integral stainless suppressor.  I was so impressed with the gun, I came home and ordered a stainless 77/44 from the Sportsman's store in Jasper with the intention of having Nick suppress it too.  Nick's 44 had the recoil and muzzle blast of a low pressure pellet gun.  Since words can't describe how quite it was I'll try to get an MPEG of it up on this page next time we go down there.

2/26/01  Our Forms 4 are on the way to Chicago.  Hopefully they'll clear around mid May.  The Form 3 cleared on the Coastal can.  Follow our can comparison as it develops on the Uzi Can Page.